Saturday, February 3, 2007

Why does our culture “reach out” for heroes and celebrities?

To understand this latest evolution, one has to consider the values and family structure changes that have occurred over the last twenty years. Many children are being raised in a dual income home, which means that there are less family interactions as well as less time for the dinner talks that used to go on several years ago. Children are watching more television than ever (hence the obesity issue plaguing youth) and their role models are turning in to television icons instead of their own parents or family members. As these children get older they are thrown in to social categories and then begin to form their opinions on these celebrities and heroes through their network. For instance a group of young girls who have only interacted with their mother in passing during their formidable years would think of Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton as role models. They may model their clothing after them, their hideous accents and their little doggies. The girls would look at these particular celebrities and think that parties, promiscuity and bad English represent popularity. In contrast, a young teen that spends most of his time on computer video games in to the midnight hours instead if a relationship with his father may not be interested in celebrity icons at all. He may be more interested in the Nintendo Wii or the PSPIII and anyone who can master what he can not. I personally believe there is an epidemic in parent –child relationships.

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